Tuesday, November 17, 2020

A Complaint from the Lord

 "As though I must win the approval of sinners.  They are promoting a false Christ to do so.  I do not need the approval of my creation!  Instead of man created in My image, man has created Me in his image and demands that I worship him in his sin!  Perversions! My shepherds now demand I adhere to their fear and timidity as though this were pleasing to Me, as though I would agree that I am a menace to the sheep and they are better off with the wolf!" 

"I have proven my love and my mercy.  I have kept My part in the Covenant of My Blood. You have not."

I heard the Lord in my heart on October 30, 2020 at 6:40am speak these words.  We would all do well to repent, and offer our prayers to console the Lord.  He will act. 

Thursday, November 5, 2020

The Lord's Lament

I came across this that I had received in 2018.  It was in a notebook I kept in my purse for odds and ends.  I found in reading it today that it seems to pertain to the fruit of the pandemic that started in 2020.  

"So many souls perishing daily and yet my people continue on in the worldly pursuits and entertainments, in and out of Church, with nary a thought about the eternal deaths, torments, and sufferings of their "brothers and sisters."  

"Would you carry on with your entertainments if there were a mass murder taking place? Would you carry on if you were to witness a bomb detonate and destroy millions of souls?  This is what is happening, and this is my Church's response-dissipation, entertainment, fund raising, "fun for all."

"My heart grieves, child.  My heart grieves."


Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Thank you, Amos

The reading at Mass today was from Amos 5:14-15;21-24.  I don't think there is any Scripture more fitting for us at this time.  Spoken so clearly, and directly.  It is truly God speaking to us through His Church.  He has not abandoned us!  He is still waiting, however for a response.

Seek good and not evil,
that you may live;
Then truly will the LORD, the God of hosts,
be with you as you claim!
Hate evil and love good,
and let justice prevail at the gate;
Then it may be that the LORD, the God of hosts,
will have pity on the remnant of Joseph.
I hate, I spurn your feasts, says the LORD,
I take no pleasure in your solemnities;
Your cereal offerings I will not accept,
nor consider your stall-fed peace offerings.
Away with your noisy songs!
I will not listen to the melodies of your harps.
But if you would offer me burnt offerings,
then let justice surge like water,
and goodness like an unfailing stream.

The Word of the Lord.  
Thanks be to God!  

Saturday, June 27, 2020

The Shame Game

I see alot on the news sites links to articles about someone who complained about the virus, the stay at home orders, etc.  Then, they test positive!  I take these articles as a shaming.  I find them highly irritating.  I don't understand this need by everyone, this cut throat need, to prove everyone and anyone wrong.  So what if they protested stay at home orders?  So what if they thought they were over reaching, devastating, etc.  That's their business.  People act as though the stay at home orders were somehow going to eradicate or cure this virus.  What exactly did they think would happen when everyone went back out in public?  The virus was never eradicated, the stay at home orders were simply for the hospitals.  That's it.  They didn't want to overload the hospitals.  Which, by the way they didn't but for a few places.  The stay at home orders simply delayed the inevitable....people were still going to catch it. 

Good Lord, enough of all this incessant shaming!  Talk about creating a psychotic society.  You can't even go the grocery store anymore without fear of ending up on social media for some transgression.  Nothing is private anymore, and that is wrong.  Very wrong.  This society is sick, and not because of the virus.  It was incredibly sick before that.  Facebook started it, and it has only grown more vile and ugly and sinful since then.  Don't take part in this.  It seems that the internet has turned into one big gossip tool for Satan to accomplish his goals.  Don't fall into that trap.  I notice on Life Site News, alot of the comments are downright sinful.  The language, the bitterness and guile used by some who supposedly are Catholic is quite revealing, sinful actually.  It's best in this day and age to go by the old adage: "Silence is golden"  Try it sometime if you are tempted to say something sinful and uncharitable. 

In His Name

Who would have thought that such ugliness and violence and hatred would be springing out of the culture that has been created of kindness, considerateness, mercy, and extreme tolerance of all things evil?  You would think that we would be seeing the opposite effect on society.  Here we have bent over backwards for the last ten years or more being inclusive, tolerant and merciful and this is the fruit of that? Isn't that strange?  Nearly everyone was willing to ignore the Truth of the Gospel in order to make every single person feel welcomed, loved, and accepted.  They were even willing to reject God as the harsh Father in order to accomplish their goals.  Woe.  That is what I feel, Woe!

I wonder now if any of the priests that have promoted the false gospel are having second thoughts.  I wonder if they now know that God is watching, He is listening and He knows full well what has been done in the Name of His Son.  Did everyone who constructed this man made religion feel as though they were getting away with something?  Did they presume God didn't know what He meant, and they knew better in "gathering them in?"  I ponder about these things as I watch everything, all over the world, fall.  I ponder them as I sit in Church for Mass and feel like I'm at a dirge.  Although I have peace about all that is happening in the Church because I know God is in control of all things, I still have this feeling that I am watching the last gasps of the Church as we know it.  I praise God that if these things must happen in order to purify His Church, He has and will always make provision for us.  He is faithful, we are not.  Despite the grave unfaithfulness of His flocks and shepherds, God will not abandon us.

I received in prayer once Jesus saying that it was exactly this, He called it "the false culture of kindness" that allowed Satan free reign in the Church.  At the time, about four years ago, He said that "not for long, not for long will they be allowed to promote this any longer in My Name."  I think this is what has been forgotten.  The Sacrifice of the Mass, the Church all act "In HIS NAME".  I honestly never thought of it that way, until I received it in prayer.  Everything said, everything done, is in HIS NAME.  Can you imagine the Lords heart at hearing His Priests, of all people, promoting and approving of mortal sin and calling it good, in HIS NAME?  Can you imagine the Lords heart at hearing His Priests tell His sheep that they will not be judged, in HIS NAME?  Can you imagine the Lords heart at seeing His Priests molest children, in HIS NAME?

The Church seems to have forgotten everything about the Name of Jesus.  So much is now done in our own names in the Church.  So much is man made and obviously done first and foremost to keep the people coming back and giving their money.  How grieved the Lord is.  But.  He will reign again.  This virus, and all it's destruction, death, and misery will actually bring about God's will in His Church.  Last year, in 2019, we were given in prayer that the wicked storm that was shown to us in 2015 was coming. The Lord said "Appolyon is in the storm, and it will not stop until it has accomplished that which I command."  The Lord is so good, but in His Sovereignty can also be severe.  He is intent on cleansing His Church and will not stop until it is accomplished, whatever that may take.  It is our job in this time to pray that souls would respond to God, that these trials would have their effect, and to make reparation for the grave sins committed against the Holy Trinity, especially by His Shepherds.

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us. 

Wednesday, June 3, 2020


I have to give voice to my inner frustrations.  Why is everyone afraid to pray for justice?  Why is praying specifically for Justice, God's Justice, eyed with shame and almost accusation of being a merciless person, judgmental, unforgiving.  When did it become law that we are only allowed to pray for Mercy?

I asked the Lord about Justice, oh it was nearly 9 years ago.  His response was "justice restores hope." I pondered that, and realized that yes, it does!  Take for example a child who is being incessantly bullied at school, or even at home.  This child has become so very discouraged, downtrodden, hopeless by the injustice perpetrated against him every day that he no longer wants to live.  So, in comes justice.  Finally!  The perpetrator is reigned in, the child is free to come and go in liberty, his hope is restored!

There has been a strange line of thought in some Catholics that we are never to ask for justice in any situation.  I think it's because we are taught, and read constantly that Jesus suffered injustice, so we should, too.  Injustice has become our cross to bear.  Be humble, accept it, and trudge along.  I lived like this for many years, so I know what sort of life that is.  It's dark and miserable.  I think it's rooted in falsehood, and in emotional wounds.  If you grew up suffering injustice constantly; in your home, family, school, work and felt powerless to do anything about it, suffering injustice for Jesus daily then becomes your identity.  You already identify with the victimhood.  Now, you have it validated and affirmed because Jesus suffered it, too.  Now your constant acceptance of injustice is ingrained and you don't speak up against injustice. 

In following the riots that broke out due to an injustice, I began to pray to God for His Justice.  God's Justice is always perfect, fitting, and meant to bring about the good in any situation.  God's Justice is really Him putting things in a Godly Order.  There may be pain involved, discomfort, inconvenience, etc., but in the end it is revealed that God's Justice brought it about.  I saw in reading the Old Testament and the Psalms that "saving justice" was a term used alot.  I wondered what God's saving justice was, then it dawned on me.  It was Jesus.  Jesus came and set things in their proper order, God's order. 

So don't be afraid to pray for God's justice.  It is a good thing.  It does not indicate, nor call down fire from heaven.  It isn't wishing evil on others.  It isn't always punishment, as most think.  It is a beautiful, holy order.  It is what is desperately needed today in the Church, and in the world. 

Look Not Upon Our Sins......

I have heard this for so long, it is said in the Mass.  "Look not upon our sins, but upon the faith of Your Church."  I would think in my heart, "I'm sorry Lord, but there doesn't appear to be much faith left to look upon, the sins are overtaking the weak faith."  It is certainly true now that we are seeing the incredible scope of faithlessness in the Church.  I believe however, it's a good thing.  As awful as it appears, it is a good thing.  The reason being, most of the Church is man made.  There are so many man-made edifices obstructing and obscuring the True Church, and the purpose of the True Church that they must be brought down, destroyed.  Unfortunately, most of us only know this to be the Church, this man made institution.  Many do not have the time, or the desire to discover the True Church and Jesus Christ in it; Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity.  The Catholic Church has become so worldly that most do not notice that something is terribly wrong, it's just the way it is.  I think the people who do know something is terribly wrong are probably those considered fanatics, or rigid.  All of this is very sad, and can be infuriating.  So much blindness!!  But, for the grace of God I would be blind also.  This is where I believe the words of Jesus apply, "Father, forgive them, they know not what they do."  They honestly don't know.  We are sheep.  Sheep are followers of a shepherd. 

The Shepherds on the other hand.  I believe they do know what they are doing.  I don't care about lousy seminaries.  It does not take an intellectual giant to understand the Faith.  It doesn't require a degree to understand what faith demands.  It requires a love and fear of God the Father.  If they do not have even that, that basic requirement, it would do them good to remove themselves from their offices.  They are literally heaping condemnation and damnation upon themselves.  The fact that they are leading, and have led numerous sheep astray and to possible damnation should be cause enough for them to humble themselves and leave the Church. 

I wondered when the Mass was suspended all over the world what the fruit would be given the Lamb of God takes away the sins of the world.  I pondered the fact that we may begin to see sin manifest and overcome any goodness because the Mass, the Sacrifice, was being minimally offered, if at all.  I find it strange that no bishop has made the correlation between no Mass, increased violence and destruction.  A little reminder of how important the Sacrifice of the Mass is to the whole world, not just the fanatics that attend every day.  To you fanatics and rigid people, I say thank you.  Your attendance at Daily Mass has done the world a great service and won it much grace.  Keep up your prayers and sacrifices because they are the only thing that is keeping complete dominance of the evil one at bay during this time. 

A Complaint from the Lord

 "As though I must win the approval of sinners.  They are promoting a false Christ to do so.  I do not need the approval of my creation...