Saturday, May 2, 2020

Confirmation but no Consolation

This poll is from a Christian University.  Although there is no separation between Protestant and Catholic, I think from the fruit we are witnessing we can trust the results would apply to the Catholic population as well.  One other point that really stands out in this poll:  44% of Christians believe Jesus sinned while on earth.   In reality, how could this not have come about with most priests and pastors going to great pains to let everyone know, especially the "sinners" that Jesus was and is just. like. us.  Because Scripture clearly states that "he took upon himself our sin, who knew no sin" this erroneous belief has to come from the promotion of a false Christ and a false Gospel.  It is the fruit of false preaching.

The other numbers about the Holy Spirit and God are simply more fruit.  It should be a call for true repentance if there ever was one. 


The latest findings from The American Worldview Inventory 2020 (AWVI 2020) show that some 44 percent of American believers think that Jesus sinned.
The survey also revealed a dramatic decline in the number of Americans who hold to a biblical worldview.
According to the survey, about 51 percent of American adults have a traditional view of God as opposed to 73 percent in 1991, a 22 percent drop from 30 years ago.
Regarding belief in Jesus, 44 percent of respondents who believe in Jesus, also believe he sinned, whereas 41 percent say he did not.
Fifty-two percent believe that “the Holy Spirit is not a living entity, but merely a symbol of God’s power, presence or purity."
Additionally, the survey revealed that more people believe in Satan (56 percent) than believe in God (51 percent) as an influential spiritual being. Additionally, 49 percent are unsure if God exists at all.
Director of Research at the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University and founder of the Barna Group, Dr. George Barna wrote in a statement regarding the survey’s finding, "Tens of millions of Americans consider themselves to be Christian but do not believe that God is really in control or cares what happens to them."
He noted the shift in worldview from thirty years ago, saying that people went from “learning and
thinking about God” to becoming “more self-absorbed”, rejecting the existence of absolute moral truth.
In an interview with CBN News, Barna shares that people act more on fear and rely on the government than on God who is “not in the equation” in difficult circumstances.
The AWVI 2020 also found that 51 percent of pastors on the Barna Church Panel reported an increase in virtual church attendance over in-person church attendance.
The recent publication of the AWVI 2020 is the third release of an annual series of surveys that estimates the number of adults who have a biblical worldview.
The assessment is based on 51 worldview-related questions that are drawn from eight categories of worldview application. Those questions are divided into queries regarding both beliefs and behavior.

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A Complaint from the Lord

 "As though I must win the approval of sinners.  They are promoting a false Christ to do so.  I do not need the approval of my creation...