Sunday, May 3, 2020

Mixtures from Vatican News

I was led to this article from Spirit Daily today.  I found it strange and unnerving.  You can read it for yourself here:  

It reminded me of something I read a while back from a Protestant man named Derek Prince.  The book I read was called "Protection from Deception."  It was a good, easily understood scripturally based book.  After reading the above article, I went back to the book to see what it said exactly.

The Chapter was called "Mixtures Create Confusion and Division."

"A mixture of good and evil yields two main results: confusion and division.  Mixed messages contain grains of truth and falsehood, giving recipients two optional responses: they can focus on the good, or true, component and accept the bad along with it; or they can focus on the bad, or false, component, rejecting the good along with it.  
In either case, God's purposes are thwarted.  In the church, confusion always yields division; fault lines form according to people's focus.  The recent influx in signs and wonders indicates a mixture of spirits:  the Holy Spirit and unholy spirits.  
Warnings Against Mixtures
God warns against mixtures in the Old Testament.  Deuteronomy 22:9 instructs, "You shall not sow your vineyard with different kinds of seed, lest the yield of the seed which you have sown and the fruit of your vineyard be defiled.  Furthermore, (verse 10), You shall not plow with an ox and a donkey together" and "You shall not wear a garment of different sorts, such as wool and linen mixed together" (verse 11).  God prohibits breeding mixed livestock, sowing with mixed seed, and wearing garments made of mixed material. 
The principle conveyed by these prohibitions is that when you serve the Lord, you should not mix two different types of things.  Sowing with mixed seed can represent a message comprised partly of truth, partly of error.  Wearing a garment of mixed material is like living simultaneously in accord with Scripture and in accord with the pattern of this world.  Allowing mixed livestock to breed can represent a Christian ministry group aligning itself with another group that is not Christian.  
 It is useful to note that when two different species are bred, their offspring is usually sterile.  For example, mating a donkey with a horse yields a mule-an animal incapable of reproducing.  Christian groups that join with "mates" of a different belief system-a different breed-often yield similar sterile results."
 Falsehood Cloaked in Truth
 Even accompanied by seeds of truth, evil is not to enter the Church.  We must not be passive or neutral regarding what we accept.  Proverbs 8:13 instructs, "The fear of the Lord is to hate evil."  Compromising with evil is wrong, even sinful.  The devil enters via evil with a goal "to steal, and to kill, and to destroy" (John 10:10).  

You may remember that Pope Francis signed the "historic pledge of fraternity" in February of 2019 with the Muslims.  In reading the press releases since then, the wording coming from the Vatican makes it appear that we are now one.  I will leave it to you to discern what this may mean in light of the current crisis we are all living, as well as the closure and cancellation of all Masses throughout the world. 

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