Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Hope in God Alone

2Corinthians 1:8-11

We do not want you to be uninformed, brothers, about the hardships we suffered in the Province of Asia.  We were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so that we despaired even of life.  Indeed in our hearts we felt the sentence of death.  But this has happened that we might not rely on ourselves, but on God, who raises the dead.  He has delivered us from such a deadly peril, and He will deliver us.

What they did in their distress: They trusted in God.  And they were brought to this extremity in order that they should not trust in themselves, but God.  Note, God often brings his people into great straits, that they may apprehend their own insufficiency to help themselves, and may be induced to place their trust and hope in His all sufficiency.
Our extremity is God's opportunity.  In the mount will the Lord be seen; and we may safely trust in God, who raises the dead.  God's raising the dead is a proof of His Almighty Power.  He that can do this, can do anything, can do all things, and is worthy to be trusted at all times.
If we should be brought so low as to despair even of life, yet we may then trust in God, who can bring back not only from the gates, but from the jaws of death.
Past experiences are great encouragements to faith and hope, and they lay great obligations to trust in God for time to come.  We reproach our experiences if we distrust God in future straits, who has delivered as in former troubles. (Matthew Henry)

I couldn't say it any better.  All I can say from the experience of our own hurricane and pandemic twelve years ago is that the above is extremely hard to put into practice, especially in front of unbelieving friends and family.  If you are very weak in peer pressure, now would be the time to cast that aside.  It is very difficult to please God and family/friends, nearly impossible.  It may be that you must choose one or the other.  Choose wisely.
You may also hear many times that God only helps those that help themselves, that you need to pull yourself up by your bootstraps, that you need to put on your big boy or big girl pants, that you should be acting as though it is all on you, etc., etc.  People may mean well, but none of these sayings are helpful or true when God Himself took your bootstraps, and your pants.  The words of Jesus, "whoever tries to save their life will lose it" are very true.  Much time is lost, and much sin committed in trying to save your life. Many will do whatever they can to save their worldly life.  If this is not God's will, you will find yourself devastated, angry, and resentful.
If you truly desire to please God and follow His will, resolve now to surrender.  Surrender it all no matter what.  Pray for the grace of detachment, and the Blessed Mother will surely grant it. 

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