Saturday, December 21, 2019

It's No Longer Christmas

A couple more days until Christmas.  Thank God.
The stores are obscene.  They reek of desperation somehow.  The items all stacked to the rafters appear rather useless.  It makes one feel sad to see it all!  Honestly, so much useless garbage that people will waste their money on, mostly because they have to provide a gift for someone.  Most likely, if they are buying that useless garbage, they don't really care about or know the person anyways.  What has become of everyone buying into this nonsense every year? 
What is seen in the stores nowadays is not Christmas.  It is not in any way to celebrate the birth of Jesus.  It has taken on a whole new identity.  It has become solely a retail orgy.  In fact, it so totally lacks any meaning or warmth or goodness that it is pathetic.  I don't know why it is so blatant this year.  So fake, so shallow, so empty.
We left the secular Christmas ten years ago.  It was hard at first, and done out of necessity.  Today, walking through the store for my regular shopping I was thankful and relieved that this gross display of junk was not my concern.  I don't think it could look any cheaper or gaudy, but we'll see what next year brings. 

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